Experience the serenity of New Mexico's countryside with the majestic Florida Mountains as your breathtaking background. Here, you can bask in the beauty of the stars like never before. The night sky is illuminated by their brilliance, creating a mesmerizing display of light that can be enjoyed from this remote land. The peace and tranquility of the area is unmatched - it will leave you feeling refreshed and inspired. Whether you are looking for a quiet getaway or just want to enjoy the natural beauty of the area. So come take in the beauty of the stars and the tranquility of the countryside - it's an experience you won't soon forget.
Low yearly property taxes. Stop dreaming and start owning today! Easy interest-free owner financing available. No banks, no credit checks - you're approved!
$359 Down, $144 Per Month for 30 Months
Click the green ""Get It Now!"" button above before this one slips away!
• Your future property secures the loan! No credit checks!
• No pre-payment penalty
• Need different terms? Contact us! Flexible payment options available
• 90 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Property Specific Information
APN: 3032148042371 & 3032148030371 & 3032148053372 & 3032148065372
Parcel Size: 2 acres
GPS Center Coordinates: 32.116, -107.420
Google Map Direction: https://www.google.com/maps/place/32%C2%B006'57.6%22N+107%C2%B025'12.0%22W/@32.1160045,-107.4225749,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d32.116!4d-107.42?entry=ttu
Elevation: 4090 ft.
County: Luna
State: NM
Taxes: $56.02 per year
Zoning: Residential Vacant
Access: Camino Ocho Rd SE
HOA/POA fees: $0
Power: Needs to be run on the property. Contact Columbus Electric Co-Op at 575-546-8838 for further details.
Water: Contact State Engineer District Office at 575-546-2851 for further details.
Septic: Contact Luna County Environmental Health at 575-546-1464 for further details.
*All information is taken from sources we believe to be reliable and correct, but buyers should do their own due diligence.
Transparent pricing. NO hidden fees!
$359 down + one-time $149 non-refundable doc fee = $508 due at closing
Then $144 + $10 note servicing fee + pro-rated taxes (~$4.5) = ~$158.50 per month for 30 months
Or if you'd rather pay for it all in cash, contact us today to discuss pricing.
What are you waiting for? Contact us today to take your life to the NEXT LEVEL!